Enid Jenkins is a character in the fifth season of Slasher. She is portrayed by Jo Vannicola. She's the Editor of The Echo Tribune Who covered up Margaret Mahar's murder by using her position to follow her boss Basil's direction to frame the innocent Andrew May Sr. She's The Widows 3rd victim who feeds her into her own printing press crushing her to death.
Not much is known about Enid's childhood. As an adult, she went to work for the paper while dressing like a man in suits. After the previous editor quit, Basil Garvey gave her the position of editor. Not long after that she was put in charge of taking photographs at the party at the Botticelli home. It was at that party that Georges Rondeau hypnotized Margaret Mahar, who was there as a maid.
After Margaret's murder, she used the paper to print lies about Andrew May Sr. resulting in the man being hung.
12 years later, Enid prints papers about the Widow before being told by Basil to stop. After he threatens her, she goes to Terrence Crenshaw wanting evidence against Basil. He refused but Salomé chose to help. Unfortunately she didn't get very far as she was murdered in the paper office by the Widow, making her the third victim.