Slasher is a Canadian-American anthology horror television series created by Aaron Martin. which premiered on Chiller on March 4, 2016 and on Super Channel on April 1, 2016.
The licensing rights for the second season were acquired by Netflix in January 2017 which was then released on October 17, 2017. The series was renewed for a third season, which premiered on May 23, 2019, then a fourth season, now released on Shudder, which premiered on August 12, 2021, and finally for a fifth season (also releasing on Shudder) which premiered on April 6, 2023
Each season is centered on a masked killer with an unknown motive for killing their victims. The first season, retroactively subtitled The Executioner, was co-produced by Chiller and Super Channel, and centered on a mysterious figure billed as the Executioner who terrorizes the fictional town of Waterbury, Canada. The second season, subtitled Guilty Party, follows a group of former summer camp counselors who return to an isolated campground in order to retrieve the body of a murder they committed, before being targeted, one by one, by an unknown killer. The third season, Solstice, is centered on a group of neighbors who are targeted during the summer solstice period due to their complicity in not saving a murder victim who was killed one year earlier in front of their apartment complex. The fourth season, Flesh & Blood, tells the story of an inheritance game in which the consequences for losing are death by the hands of the Gentleman-- an old family ghost story. The fifth season, Ripper, takes place in the late 19th century following a new detective as they unravel the brutal and torturous crimes of a woman clad in black silk, seemingly exacting revenge on a mysterious party that took place twelve years earlier.